Research Practice Dialogue

Guest Lecture Series “Research Practice Dialogue”

The lecture series is part of the efforts to formalize and strengthen design research at Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design (MKH). It will:

  • Compliment existing guest lectures
  • Support the development of Doctoral Studies in Design
  • Widen exchange with international design researchers


At MKH, there are already many guest lectures covering diverse themes from multiple perspectives. The Kunst- und Designdiskurs and Forum offer critical discussions from a scholarly perspective and the Interface Salon and invitations from Design present state-of-arts best practices and debates from a designerly perspective. Despite these important foundations, the developmental changes in design research worldwide and at MKH call for an additional guest lecture series.

“Research” and “Practice” were arguably the most important words in academic design discourse in the last 20 years. These were spoken often in the context of developing design research at the University. Currently there are a number of models established: Research Through Design, Practice-Led/Based Research, Project-Grounded Research, and Constructive Research. They all share the ideas that designing is a form of inquiry which has its own particular methods and subject matters that should be capitalized. Secondly, they see that designing should form a (major) part of design research and should generate trustworthy knowledge to serve and renew practice.

Despite resistance, confusions and problems; design-research-cum-practice is now generally tolerated if not accepted as legitimate by the international academic design community. The most notable evidence is the establishment of the so-called Practice-Based PhD.

MKH has been a member of the Excellent Cluster (a prestigious German federal research funding scheme) for some years. It should be mentioned that MKH is the only Art and Design College that holds such a privileged position and MKH Design is a frequent award-winning institution. It suffices to say that the expertise, the accumulated knowledge and experiences create a fertile ground for further systematic development. The time has come for a regular, organized and focused discussion on design research at MKH.

The ‘Dialogue’ seeks to bring diverse speakers, positions and themes to MKH. The speakers range from established experts to interesting youngsters from Europe and Germany. Each semester is dedicated to one theme and has four lectures.

Industriedesign B.A.

Das Bachelor-Studium im Industriedesign beginnt mit den Design-Basics, die an die Prozesse und Methoden des Designentwurfs heranführen und in Projekten, Übungen und Seminaren auf die Studienschwerpunkte Konstruktives Design, methodisches Design und Interface Design vorbereiten.
Gleichzeitig bieten die ersten beiden Semester den Studentinnen und Studenten ein Forum, sich zu orientieren, ihr Talent und ihre individuellen Arbeitsmethoden zu entwickeln und damit ihre Handlungs- und Entscheidungsfähigkeit zu entfalten. Neben dem rationalen und planerischen Vorgehen werden auch experimentelle und explorative Herangehensweisen erprobt.
Der Unterricht gliedert sich in mehrere kurze Übungen und Designprojekte, welche die Entwurfsgrundlagen bilden. Sie werden durch die bildnerischen und räumlichen Grundlagenfächer (Skizzieren und Sachzeichnen, plastisches Gestalten, Farblehre, Typografie und Layout), durch den Unterricht zu den analogen und digitalen Darstellungsmethoden und durch die Lehre der wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen zur Kultur- und Designgeschichte ergänzt.

Fragen? Dr. Bettina Möllring
T 0431 / 5198 – 427